My Orders
1. Not got your order ?
If you have not received your order please read the items below.
The #1 reason for not receiving your order download link is keen email spam folders - especially hotmail, MSN, AOL and Live (anything by microsoft). Gmail sometimes puts our emails into your "promotions" tab - do check there.
Check through the items below - and you don't need to worry about your spam folders.
Only for "Original Digital File - by Email" order items that are complete (check My Purchases) but not received do you need to email us with your order number to info@sussexsportphotography.com - often our reply to an email from you will get allowed by your systems anti-spam rules.
2. Get Your Orders Easily
Single file Digital downloads are available immediately after order (for 10 days) - go here - My Account -> My Downloads
3. "All my Images at.." collections are made manually, during office hours - when made go to - My Account -> My Gallery Invitations
4. Can't find your files ? - then you can check if an order is complete and ready for collection - go here My Account -> My Purchases (NB Please allow us to work during normal office weekday hours to prepare your order - we are UK based)
5. If you have not created a User account - Click here to Sign-up for a free purchasing account and more information. Please ensure you use the same email address as the one you ordered with so your orders go into your user account.
6. If your Images still have watermarks on ? - try downloading them to your computer (click the download button, don't take a screen grab) - as you might just be looking at them on the gallery. The ones you download to your computer won't have watermarks on them.
7. Download to a computer (mac or PC) - most tablets and phones do not allow you to download image files or zip files from the internet (they like to restrict to things from their app stores). So you will probably need to use a computer. Some phones you can use to download to a cloud storage like dropbox or similar - but we are not experts on this, just download to a computer.
8. Password reset not working?
If you think you have a user account, and password reset isn't working (it won't do anything if you don't have an account to discourage hackers from multiple combination attempts) - try creating a new account with your email address (We changed gallery providers in Dec 2016, and all old gallery accounts were not moved to this new gallery, so you'll need a new one - see above) and that should work fine. If it says that an account already exists with that email address, then - a password reset should work and check your email !
9. ZIP file downloads
Files are often downloaded as ZIP files - you will need to do this on a computer - tablets and phones (*most) don't do ZIP files. Once you have downloaded the ZIP file, right-click and select "Extract all" to obtain the single image files which your computer and the internet can use.
More information here from Microsoft
10. Waiting for account registration confirmation ?
This should be pretty quick - if it isn't then please email gallery tech support (again all microsoft brand emails can be subject to problems) on support@photoshelter.zendesk.com with the title "please help activate my uksp.photoshelter.com user account" and you should get some help - do expect some time delays though as they are in New York.
11. Help Help Help
Please do Contact Us if all else fails after reading the above (yes please do read it - it's quicker for you in the long run), and all we do to start with is go through all the above items so we can work out what's gone wrong for you to fix things - so do read through this page first - it's easier and quicker for you too (and sometimes less awkward for both of us)... otherwise we do always enjoy a good chat about the race, latest injuries, training plans, local clubs, gift ideas, correct product selection, and we will always do our best with computer support queries, and what's the next best race to enter.
Thank you for being a super customer !
Anthony, Sally, Chloe, Paul and the Big Team (stood just next to us)